Friday 17 May 2013

Make Money On Your Site With Google Adsense

If you've been trying to earn money from your Web site then you've probably heard of Google Adsense. Adsense offers a new tool to help you. Not only will you earn more money using Adsense, you will add search to your site too.

o Make Money On Your Web Site With Affiliates
o Make Money With Ads
o Top 10 AdSense Don'ts

When I started using Googe Adsense the only ads they had were text ads. The Adsense ads gave a title of a product or Web site, the URL and maybe a few words description. Then Adsense added graphical ads, more like the kind you're used to seeing on the Net.

Now you can add search with Adsense. Just copy/paste the Adsense code into your Web page where you want the search box to show up and instantly your visitors can search the Internet.
If you want your readers to search your site, you can do that too using Adsense search. If Google has spidered your site then you can add search at site level. This is even greater for you because now you can promote your own pages while making money doing it, all with Adsense.

Personalize Adsense search by adding your own image to it. Do you have an image that represents your Web site, a logo, add it to the Adsense search bar. When someone does a search from your new Adsense search banner they will see your logo on the search page. You make money from Adsense and advertise your site at the same time. What could be better.Sign Up For Google Adsense 

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